Natural Blend Unfilled Tumbled Travertine

Special: $59/m2
Natural blend unfilled and tumbled406x406x12mmSpecial:$59/m2$66/m2
Natural blend unfilled and tumbled610x406x12mmSpecial:$65/m2$74/m2
Natural blend unfilled and tumbledFrench Pattern 12mmSpecial:$59/m2$66/m2
Natural blend unfilled and tumbledFrench Pattern 30mmSpecial:$92/m2$105/m2
Natural blend unfilled and tumbled406x406x30mmSpecial:$92/m2$105/m2
Natural blend unfilled and tumbled610x406x30mmSpecial:$95/m2$105/m2
Pool/Step CoperDropface 610x406x30mm 60mm square drop$83.00/unit

Tumbled Travertine tiles are made of naturally dense hard-wearing limestone with pitted holes in their surface. They undergo a tumbling process that allows a lighter finish with softened edges. This tumbled travertine is cross cut also known as X-Cut. Tuscan Travertine is suitable for all floor and wall installations and excellent for swimming pools and court yards.

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